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Memorials of the Hilles Family

You can view the text of this Higginsons Book Company content online HERE, or buy the book in soft or hard cover HERE. This is one of the most informative books on the Hillis family that the author has seen.

Book summary: MEMORIALS of the HILLES FAMILY, more particularly of Samuel and Margaret Hill Hilles of Wilmington, Delaware. With some account of their ancestry and some data not before published. Also extended references to the life of Richard Hilles or Hills, Principal Founder of the Merchant Taylors School in London, 1561. The friend of Miles Coverdale, John Calvin, Archbishop Cranmer, Bishop Hooper and others. Prominent in the early days of the Reformation. SAMUEL E. HILLES, CINCINNATI, 1928.

Welch and Allied Familes - Hilles / Hillis

Another by the Higginsons Book Company, the Welch and Allied Familes - Hilles / Hillis book discusses various Hillis families of Ireland. The content is by Gustine Courson Weaver and was originally published by Powell & White, Cincinnati, Ohio.

You can view the content online HERE, or buy the book in soft or hard cover HERE.